woman driving her car

Plan to Go Unplanned: Value Spontaneity in Travel

It’s reflexive to grab a planner and fill with activities every hour of your next vacation. After all, you don’t want to waste your time and money while you’re there. Apart from maximizing your holiday, though, extensive planning offers security from the unknown.

Spontaneous travel thrives on the unknown. Plenty of rewards come with this bold choice. If you take the chance, you might discover a more adventurous, open-minded version of yourself that longs for this experience.

Relinquish Control

No matter how much you plan, there will always be things in life that will swirl out of your control. This applies not only to travel but in many areas of your life. If you’ve been having difficulties dealing with this fact, spontaneous travel can help. It sounds a bit too risky, so clearing a popular misconception should win you over.

There’s a difference between minimal planning and minimal research. You shouldn’t go to a foreign country without knowing what’s going on there now—that’s not how you do spontaneous travel. Do the same amount of research you would on a regular trip, but avoid scheduling your days to a T.

Leaving moments open for getting lost in the city or trying something that piqued your interest will give you a different experience than if you were following a strict itinerary. If it’s a lean season, dare to walk in a hotel and book on the spot. Try car rental for Grab and drive around without a destination in mind.

Hopping into a nice car for an unplanned drive to try new activities will boost your confidence and increase the thrill of your travel.

Open Yourself to Possibilities

When you relinquish control of your itinerary, you’re more likely to take part in activities you wouldn’t have planned on doing. Skip the crowded tourist spots and take a bumboat to Pulau Ubin, the last real village in Singapore. Drive to a hawker center to try street foods and sit with people you don’t know. Spending hours talking to new friends in an exotic setting rather than stressing out about your schedule is what a quality vacation is all about.

Cooking classes aren’t part of a usual traveler’s plan, but you’re more open to signing up for one when you’re spontaneous. It’s an excellent means to learn about culture through native food. It also comes with the added perk of bringing home this skill for your friends and family to enjoy.

Couple traveling togetherLive in the Moment

Usual vacations get frustrating when your top priority is to get from Point A to Point B on time—all the time. In the end, you’re no less stressed than when you filed for a leave several months ago.

Injecting spontaneity into your travel plans encourages you to live in the moment. You’re more in tune with what you want right here and now. Since there’s not a lot in your schedule, you have the time to cherish the experience like you should.

Do you want to have an early rest? Go ahead. Do you want to walk around the city before dawn? Sure. There’s no schedule to restrict you and pre-purchased entrance tickets to compel you to keep touring when your feet are already swollen.

Spontaneity teaches you to live in the moment and enjoy it because that’s how you’re supposed to live.

You don’t have to stray from your travel habits all at once. Clear one day at a time and earn the confidence to be more spontaneous. You’re not doing this for anybody else but yourself. Once the vacation ends, you’ll find you’re better rested and possibly wiser than when you left.

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