
Fixing Your Home During a Pandemic

Symptoms of cabin fever include restlessness, irritability, and an overall sense of claustrophobia, of being stuck. During the covid-19 pandemic and the resulting isolation that has come with it, many people continue to suffer these and other symptoms, adding to the already uncertain employment reality a lot of people are facing.

Since the pandemic isn’t going anywhere, at least not in the short term, the issue, therefore, lies in finding ways to cope with isolation. If we are unable to go outside, what can we do while indoors?

A great option is to work on our homes. Perhaps there is a roof that requires fixing or a wall in desperate need of some paint. Each house is different. The issue is not what you need to do but rather that you stay active. As studies show, physical activity not only helps us stay in shape and release toxins through sweat but also enhances our mood and general state of mind by releasing “happy chemicals” from our brain.

With that in mind, here are some interesting ways to improve our homes while enjoying quality time with our families.

From Backyard to Sports Complex

For those of us living in a house, there is no better way to stay active than to transform a backyard into a makeshift sports complex. There are several ways to do this. First, we could invest in a residential basketball court or multi-purpose exercise area. Having a place to burn a few calories while enjoying a pickup game with a few friends will do wonders for our bodies. It will also help us release stress, socialize, and “escape” from the reality of not being able to go outside. There are currently several affordable options in the market. All you need is to do a little research and you’ll find one that fits both your budget and your needs.

Another option for those with less space and a tighter budget is to simply trim the grass in your front lawn, thus making it suitable for sports such as football, soccer, and field hockey. These are also activities that will enable us to burn enough calories and maintain our necessary daily physical output.

man playing basketball

A Clean Home Is a Happy Home

The centuries-old art of Chinese Feng Shui highlights the importance your environment has on your state of mind. A clean, orderly home not only provides comfort for those living inside it but also relaxes the mind, creating a stress-free environment built on spatial harmony and visual appeal. One way of staying active in confinement is to clean and organize your home in a way in which you can maximize space, avoid hoarding, and create convenience. Some things you could do include:

  • Getting rid of clothing items you don’t need or rarely use.
  • Arranging your furniture in ways that allow the flow of air from one side of the house to the other.
  • Decorating your walls with mirrors or paintings that create a semblance of space and harmony. Some examples could be natural fields, rivers, and farms or houses in the countryside.
  • Repainting your home with minimalist, bright colors like white, light green, or pale blue. These colors provide both a sense of warmth to an environment and make it easier on the eyes.

These activities will help eliminate the notion that “cleaning is boring” and instead motivate you to do it. Plus, they will also help you burn calories.

A Breath of Fresh Air

Who says a bedroom has to be a bedroom? Of course, it’s very difficult to place a toilet in the middle of your living room or a kitchen in the garage. However, a master bedroom can be arranged into a makeshift private office. A car park can become an in-house gym or game area. If your kids have already left for college, a secondary bedroom can be turned into an art studio or a music room.

By changing the purpose of one room into another, you create a different look for your home. As a result, it becomes a “new home,” a new environment that enhances creativity and gives you a different outlook on life.

As we have seen, there are plenty of things we can do at home. Even if we can’t go jogging in the park or swimming at the local YMCA pool, we can still “move” while in confinement. We could rearrange our backyard to make it suitable for sports, utilize the ancient art of Feng Shui to harmonize our environment or rearrange our living spaces to add a touch of novelty.

By doing these and other activities, we will minimize the effects of cabin fever and create a happier, healthier environment both physically and mentally.

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